1st Semester Projects

Title: Good Bye
Date: 9/14/15
Project Description: This project demonstrated how to change the text of labels using a button.

Title: Help Page
Date: 9/22/15
Project Description: This project demonstrated how to change the font and color of text and was an About page for our company.

Title: Mailing Label
Date: 9/28/15
Project Description: This project demonstrated how to output text from textboxes.

Title: Car Rental
Date: 10/2/15
Project Description: This project demonstrated how to simulate a car rental.

Title: BMI Calculator
Date: 10/9/15
Project Description: This project demonstrated how to do calculations using the input from textboxes.

Title: Car Rental 2
Date: 10/15/15
Project Description: This project was a better version of Car Rental with car choices and other options.

Title: Dice Simulator
Date: 10/23/15
Project Description: This project simulated two dice rolling and showed the probabilities of rolling a number.
Title: Craps
Date: 10/29/15
Project Description: This project simulated dice rolling and is the game Craps.

Title: Test Score
Date: 11/2/15
Project Description: This project allows people to input two test scores, find the higher one, and the average score.

Title: T-Shirt Company
Date: 11/19/15
Project Description: This project was a T-Shirt company allowing people to pick their size and add-ons.

Title: Slot Machine
Date: 12/3/15
Project Description: This project simulated a slot machine and demonstrated how to randomize the slots.

Title: AutoNation Cure Bowl
Date: 12/7/16
Project Description: This program shows all the scores of the past bowls that the two teams in this bowl have played.

Title: Fish Tank
Date: 1/4/16
Project Description: This program randomly picks a direction for the fish to move, and it counts the total moves and bumps against the fish tank.

Title: N! Factorial
Date: 1/12/16
Project Description: This program makes calculations on inputted numbers for different math sequences.